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[Flash Game] Get The Glass

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Get The Glas s is a kind of online game with flash and 3D technology. It's like the movie Jumanji(電影:野蠻遊戲) for me. You need to help them to get a glass of milk in this story. they're body health can't without milk. But in this town they live doesn't have enough milk. If they want to drink a glass of milk,they need to be a thief. Because they're thieves ,the policeman want to catch them. Your mission are help them get a glass of milk and NOT TO BE CATCH. Get The Glass 是一款使用flash 結合3D技術所製作的現上遊戲,他讓我覺得有點像電影野蠻遊戲那樣,在遊戲裡你需要幫助主角一家人去取得牛奶,因為他們住在一個牛奶很缺乏的小鎮上,所以家人的身上都有因為缺乏牛奶所帶來的疾病困擾,為了健康,這一家人決定當小偷去竊取牛奶以換得身體的健康,也因為如此,所以警察對他們窮追不捨,你必須幫助主角一家人去取得牛奶並且不被警察所捉,整體來說是一款非常精緻而且帶有戲劇效果的遊戲! 這款遊戲採用大富翁似的遊戲進行方式,遊戲方法很簡單,用滑鼠點選骰子然後用力的甩開,當骰子停止,所呈現的數字就是你可以前進的步數,在遊戲中也有三種卡片,第一種是幸運他可以幫助你前進,第二種是倒楣卡,他則會使你倒退,比較特別的是主人卡,當你抽到主人卡,就代表進入小遊戲中,但是這裡的小遊戲有些可不簡單,只要不過關,隨時都會被捉去監獄裡,只要被正確捉到三次,那你就真的Game Over了!
